Tuesday, October 25, 2005

late break update

i had my fall break 2 weekends ago. fun times for serious. first my parents flew up here to ann arbor, and together we took in an amazing paul mccartney concert that friday night, an impressive michigan football game the next day, and numerous good meals. paul pulled out all the stops, the wolverines won on the final play of the game, and i ate a rainbow trout wrapped in prosciutto (aka fancy bacon). then we all flew back to kc on sunday to celebrate mom's 50th birthday the next tuesday. she had a "game party" with an ivitation list of 50 femmes. i also got a chance to spend a fine night in lawrence with the crew. photos of the extended weekend can be seen by clicking here.

all was going well and more or less according to plan...until the travel day from h-e-double hockey sticks on that thursday. i arrived at kci around 8.30am and was supposed to arrive at detroit at 12.45pm on northwest airlines. after one first class upgrade wasted, 2 ginger ales, a pepperoni pizza bagel that made me say "oh my gross" out loud as i consumed it, a maintenance issue with an electrical box on the first plane, which never took off, a long wait in a long line to get re-routed, a $5 calling card courtesy of nw airlines as a compensation for my troubles, a flight to minneapolis, a dinner at chili's too where i finished reading MRS. DALLOWAY, a flat tire and a missing co-pilot on my third plane, which did eventually take off for detroit, a long wait for a shuttle to the big blue deck parking facility, a gas stop to fill up my car, and a key episode of LOST missed, i arrived in ann arbor after 10.30pm.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice site!
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7:53 AM  

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